Club records and race results will be more easily collated by the Albany Cycling Club courtesy of funding from the Southern Ports Community Investment Program.

Club president Brett Dal Pozzo said the club was thankful for the funding because it meant committee members would no longer have to use personal devices to manage the club.

“It will mean that we’ll have the latest technology to build a record system that will ensure our club records including our race results will be available for decades to come,” he said.

We will also be using the laptop on race days to record the riders’ handicaps and race times.

“We’ve undertaken a lot of change over the past few years to make sure our club is running at its best and one of those ways has been to continue improving our governance of club records.”

Southern Ports chief executive Keith Wilks said the essence of the program was to support grassroots organisations making a difference.

“It’s important to us to build strong regions and one of the vital ways we do this is to support community groups and clubs to grow and adapt for the future,” he said.

“We know from our own port operations that good governance and digital technology are vital for growth, so we’re proud to support the Albany Cycling Club with the purchase of their own digital assets to ensure they can continue to benefit the community.”